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FenXun won the MOFCOM bid for Candidate List of Law Firms

October 2018, MOFCOM announced the Candidate List of Law Firms — Sub-list for International Investment (Domestic Law Firms), FenXun is successfully listed for the second time. This is a remarkable achievement for FenXun and indicates that FenXun's capability is widely recognized in the market.

FenXun has abundant experience in M&A and investment projects. It has a top class dispute resolution team assisting both Chinese and foreign enterprises with their investment disputes via various ways such as negotiations, arbitrations and litigation. Baker McKenzie FenXun (FTZ) Joint Operation Office  in Shanghai Free Trade Zone is the first that has been approved by relevant authorities in PRC. The Joint Operation enables Baker McKenzie and FenXun to provide collaborative responses to client needs and deliver top class legal services all over the world.

According to MOFCOM, Baker McKenzie is also listed in Candidate List of Law Firms — Sub-list for International Investment (Foreign Law Firms), along with FenXun.


FenXun will continue to improve its capability of international legal service and assist clients with their business goals, and to better serve the Belt and Road Initiative proposed by the central government.


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